The Texas Instream Flow Program (TIFP), jointly administered by Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and Texas Water Development Board, has initiated a study of instream flows necessary to support a sound ecological environment in the Lower San Antonio River. The TIFP seeks to incorporate stakeholder input, insight, and concerns while conducting this study. With the assistance of the San Antonio River Authority, initial stakeholder meetings were held in February 2005. Additional stakeholder input and assistance is required at this time in order to develop a study design for the basin. The TIFP will be holding stakeholder update meetings and study workgroup meetings in the San Antonio River Basin from July 2008 to June 2009. The assistance of the San Antonio River Authority is sought in order to develop the stakeholder process in this sub-basin and provide administrative and organizational support for these meetings. Click here for more information
West Bank Trail Closure Notice
Due to the construction of a new trail and bridge, the West Bank of the trail between Schiller St. and Newell St. will be closed for the next couple of months. We apologize for any inconvenience.