Request a Presentation
Thank you for considering the River Authority for your education and presentation needs.
Whether you represent a gardening club or an elementary school, we look forward to working with you on providing information about the San Antonio River. All presentations are free, and they are booked on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please plan ahead and have multiple dates available. Presentation length can vary dependent on your needs.
To continue, please click on the type of presentation you are requesting.
Reservations for field trips and classroom presentations from September 2024 to December 2024 are fully booked. Please fill out the ‘Keep in Touch‘ form at the bottom of this page to join our email list. This will ensure you receive notifications when the program request forms become available again.
Virtual & In-Person Classroom Presentations
The River Authority offers TEKS-aligned, virtual and in-person classroom presentations for Kinder through 12th-grade students in Bexar, Wilson, Karnes, and Goliad Counties.

In-Person Presentation
- Please reserve a room or space where our educator can set up and present to student groups who rotate through. This will give us time to reset our equipment, ensuring smooth transitions between classes.
- These presentations are highly interactive and are most effective when conducted one class at a time with 25 students at the most. We are happy to repeat this presentation for multiple classes within your grade level or subject area.
- Please provide a table at least 2 feet wide and 5 feet long for our model.

Virtual Presentation
- Our virtual programs are interactive and can be conducted with one class at a time or with multiple classes simultaneously if using the same link. Please state your preference on the request form below.
- If the program you select requires materials for your students, please ensure the items are distributed before the program begins.
Reservation Policy
- So that the River Authority can provide equal opportunity for all public school districts throughout Bexar, Wilson, Karnes, and Goliad Counties, one grade level per schooland up to 3 schools per district will be considered per year. Additional schools within a district wishing to participate will be placed on a waitlist and will be contacted if a date becomes available.
- All requests are evaluated on a first-come-first-serve basis and accepted at the River Authority’s discretion.
- Requests are pending until processed with confirmed dates by River Authority staff.
- Confirmations and other important presentation details, including pre and post-presentation classroom activities, will be sent to the email address provided in the initial request.
- We require a school staff member to be present with the students at all times during classroom presentations.
Cancellation Policy
- If your group is running late, the River Authority cannot guarantee that all activities will occur as originally planned.
- If unforeseeable circumstances prevent the presentation from proceeding as planned, the River Authority will contact the presentation organizer as soon as possible.
- A rescheduled presentation is not guaranteed.
We look forward to helping your students and school community learn more about their San Antonio River! To help us successfully schedule these presentations, please submit only one request for your entire grade level.
What's Your River Way? (in person)
Grade levels: 3rd – 12th grades
Presentation duration: 45 minutes
Maximum group size: 25 students. We are happy to repeat this presentation for multiple classes within your grade level or subject area.
Description: This hands-on, interactive presentation explores concepts tailored to your grade level and/or subject area TEKS, including landforms, erosion, watersheds, nonpoint source pollution, natural disasters, resource management, ecosystems, effects of human activity on ecosystems, and biodiversity. We also discuss actions we can take to protect water resources.
What's Your River Way? (virtual)
Grade levels: 3rd – 12th grades
Presentation duration: 45 minutes
Maximum group size: 150 students. We are happy to provide one presentation for all students simultaneously or repeat this presentation for multiple classes within your grade level or subject area.
Description: This presentation is the virtual alternative to our in-person “What’s Your River Way?” presentation described above. We will explore concepts tailored to your grade level and/or subject area TEKS, including landforms, erosion, watersheds, nonpoint source pollution, natural disasters, resource management, ecosystems, effects of human activity on ecosystems, and biodiversity.Additionally, we will discuss actions we can take to protect water resources.
Flood Fighters: Engineering Solutions for the San Antonio River (in person only)
Grade levels: High School
Presentation duration: 45 minutes
Maximum group size: 25 students in person. We are happy to repeat this presentation for multiple classes within your grade level or subject area.
Description: Get ready to dive into the dynamic world of the San Antonio River Watershed! Students will uncover the factors that contribute to flooding and engage hands-on with a 3D model to evaluate both traditional and innovative ecological engineering strategies for flood prevention and mitigation. We will cover nature-based solutions that harness the power of the environment to keep floods at bay and give students tools to explore and find out just how close they are to the floodplain. Prepare for an adventure in learning that brings the science of flooding to life!
Water Quality in the San Antonio River Watershed (in person only)
Grade levels: High School
Presentation duration: 45 minutes
Maximum group size: 25 students in person. We are happy to repeat this presentation for multiple classes within your grade level or subject area.
Description: High school students will delve into the topic of water quality in the San Antonio River Basin. Students will test water quality parameters such as pH, dissolved oxygen, salinity, nitrates, and phosphates. Additionally, we’ll discuss how human activities and environmental changes can negatively or positively affect water quality.
Food Chains and Food Webs of the San Antonio River (virtual only)
Grade levels: 1st – 5th grades
Presentation duration: 30 minutes for grades 1-3 and 45 minutes for grades 4-5
Maximum group size: 150 students. We are happy to provide one presentation for all students simultaneously or repeat this presentation for multiple classes within your grade level or subject area.
Description: This presentation engages students in a hands-on experience with free individual activity kits where they will be guided through what a food chain or food web is. We will make this abstract concept more concrete by using the provided materials to build a food chain or food web with organisms native to our San Antonio River Watershed.
Freddie the Fish
Grade levels: K-2nd grades
Presentation duration: 30 minutes
Maximum group size: 25 students in person. We are happy to repeat this presentation for multiple classes within your grade level or subject area.
Description: Students will follow along as Freddie swims downstream and encounters obstacles along the way. Students will see the effects that non-point source pollution has on Freddie’s home and the health of the ecosystem. They will be encouraged to identify creative solutions to these issues and will discover how they can make a difference and help Freddie and his friends today!
Keep in Touch
Classroom Presentation Form
Thank you for reaching out to the River Authority to request a presentation.
Whether you represent a company, organization, neighborhood association, Kiwanis Club, Rotary Club, Gardening club or any other community interest group, we look forward to sharing how you can “Be River Proud” along with providing you with information about the San Antonio River.
All presentations are free, and they are booked on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please plan ahead and have multiple dates available. Presentation length can be varied for your needs from 30 to 60 minutes.
If your organization has already received a presentation from the River Authority, please take a few minutes to complete our feedback survey to help us improve for future presentations.
Community Presentation Request
*Please Note: Tours are reserved for adults and families. If you would like to book a program for K-12th grade students, please fill out the Field Trip or Classroom Presentation form.
Thank you for your interest in a tour with the River Authority!
We strive to inspire actions for individuals to make informed decisions about the conservation and protection of the San Antonio River watershed through thought-provoking, hands-on and inquiry-driven explorations.
River Authority Tours
- All tours are free and booked on a first-come, first-served basis
- Tours are only conducted on Tuesday through Friday.
- A minimum of 8 individuals is required to conduct a tour.
- In order to ensure a positive, engaging experience for all individuals, the maximum number of individuals allowed on a tour is 50.
- Transportation to and from the tour site is the responsibility of the individual.
- Groups should arrive with plenty of time to unload, arrange groups and participate in a group orientation prior to the scheduled activities.
- All individuals should be prepared to participate in activities in an outdoor setting which may include adverse temperatures, uneven terrain and potential exposure to biting/stinging insects. Closed toed shoes are required.
Chaperone Requirements
- For the safety of all individuals, the River Authority requires that student groups be accompanied at all times by an appropriate number of adult teachers or chaperones. Chaperones are expected to ensure that students behave appropriately and are engaged in the tour activities. For the River Authority’s wastewater treatment tours we require attendees to be at least 12 years of age or older.
Reservation Policy
- Tours must be requested at least two (2) weeks in advance. For the best selection of dates and staff availability, contact us as early as possible.
- Tour requests are pending until processed with confirmed dates by the River Authority. Confirmations and other important tour details including pre- and post-trip activities will be sent to the email address provided in the initial request.
Late Arrival & Cancellation Policy
- Individuals should arrive with plenty of time to unload, use restrooms, arrange groups and participate in a group orientation prior to the start time on the day of the tour.
- If your group is running late, the River Authority cannot guarantee that all activities will occur as originally planned.
- In the event that the weather, park conditions or unforeseeable circumstances prevent the field trip to proceed as planned, The River Authority will contact the field trip organizer as soon as possible.
- A rescheduled field trip is not guaranteed.
Types of Tours
Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour
How does the water you flush down a toilet or the water you pour down the drain get cleaned safely before it’s released into the environment? That’s the work of a wastewater treatment plant. The San Antonio River Authority (SARA) began providing wastewater utility services in 1966. Today, SARA has four permitted active wastewater treatment plants. Let the San Antonio River Authority’s Utilities team take you on an up-close-and-personal tour of the wastewater treatment process.
Mission Reach Tour
Mission Reach guided tours take visitors on a journey through the San Antonio River’s past, present and future covering topics such as the San Antonio River Improvements Project, the revitalized ecosystem, native flora and fauna, environmental stewardship and historical elements of the San Antonio River. On this one-mile, paved leisurely walk, visitors will learn how the recent Mission Reach Ecosystem & Recreation Project is changing the lives and minds of people near and far. Tours typically last approximately an hour and half and are suited for ages 10 to adult. Group size is limited.
Museum Reach Tour
Museum Reach guided tours take visitors along the expanded urban segment of the San Antonio River Walk, north of the Downtown Reach. Elements of the paved, one-mile leisurely walk, include urban river ecology, world-renowned public art, historical influences and project design themes. Tours typically last approximately an hour and half and are suited more for adult audiences. Group size is limited.
Tour Request
Reservations for field trips and classroom presentations from September 2024 to December 2024 are fully booked. Please fill out the ‘Keep in Touch‘ form at the bottom of this page to join our email list. This will ensure you receive notifications when the program request forms become available again.
Field Trip Information

The River Authority offers free field trips for 3rd grade through 12th grade students in Bexar, Wilson, Karnes, and Goliad Counties. Education programming is aligned with Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).
Our mission is to engage students in hands-on explorations that educate and empower them to make informed decisions about conserving and protecting the San Antonio River Watershed. Through nature-based and place-based STEM programming, we enhance classroom learning with locally relevant, real-world examples that foster curiosity, observation, discussion, reflection, and action during our field trips.
River Authority Field Trip Information

- Our free field trips are usually conducted on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at ADA accessible River Authority parks.
- Field trips typically run between 3 and 3.5 hours, which includes a 30-minute lunch break.
- Transportation and lunch arrangements are the responsibility of the school.
- Students, teachers, and chaperones are expected to complete River Authority field trip waivers.
- We recommend that participants bring their own reusable water bottles.
- School staff is responsible for bringing and administering any items that your students need to stay safe, including sunscreen, insect repellant, and medication (e.g., EpiPens).
- Nature can be unpredictable – and exciting! All students, teachers, and chaperones should be prepared to participate in activities in an outdoor setting which may include adverse temperatures, uneven terrain, and potential exposure to biting/stinging insects.

Reservation Policy
- So that the River Authority can provide equal opportunity for all public school districts throughout Bexar, Wilson, Karnes, and Goliad Counties, one grade level per schooland up to 3 schools per district will be considered per year. Additional schools within a district wishing to participate will be placed on a waitlist and will be contacted if field trip dates become available.
- Homeschool groups and private schools are eligible for one visit per year.
- All requests are evaluated on a first-come-first-serve basis and are accepted at the River Authority’s discretion.
- Field trip requests are pending until processed with confirmed dates by River Authority staff.
- Confirmations and other important field trip details, including pre and post-field trip classroom activities, will be sent to the email address provided in the initial request.
Chaperone Requirements
- A chaperone-to-student ratio of 1:10 is required for all field trips. For every ten (10) students, there should be one adult actively monitoring the group.
- Teachers and chaperones are expected to ensure that students behave appropriately and are engaged in the field trip activities.
Late Arrival & Cancellation Policy
- If your group is running late, the River Authority cannot guarantee that all activities will occur as originally planned.
- If the weather, park conditions, or unforeseeable circumstances prevent the field trip from proceeding as planned, the River Authority will contact the field trip organizer the afternoon before the field trip.
- A rescheduled field trip is not guaranteed.
- If we must cancel a field trip, a River Authority educator will contact the field trip organizer to make alternate arrangements.
- Please ensure each student has their own lunch that meets their dietary needs. Lunch will be held in the middle of our programming time. Opportunities for snack time are available if the school brings snacks for their students.
- We recommend that participants bring their own reusable water bottles.
- School staff is responsible for bringing and administering any items that your students need to stay safe, including sunscreen, insect repellant, and medication (e.g., EpiPens).
- For educational resources and materials, please visit our Education page.
What are the different field trips that the River Authority offers?
Please select the field trip program that best suits your group:
*Note: Is your group larger than the maximum number of students indicated below? We may accommodate greater student numbers if students can be divided across multiple days and the number of students each day remains less than the maximum number listed below.
Don't Let Litter Trash Your River!
Maximum number of students per day: 75 students
Grade levels: 3rd-12th grade
This 3-hour field trip focuses on non-point source pollution, how contaminants make their way from the land into our local waterways, and the effects of this pollution on the local ecosystem. In groups of 25 or fewer, students will rotate through activities to investigate nature-based solutions that aim to resolve this problem on a large scale, in addition to exploring everyday activities that we can implement for a cleaner tomorrow – today!
River Ecosystem Exploration
Maximum number of students per day: 75 students
Grade levels: 3rd-12th grade
This 3-hour field trip focuses on the ecosystem of the San Antonio River Basin. Students will be divided into groups of 25 or fewer to rotate through activities that are tailored to their grade level. Examples of grade-level appropriate activities include comparing plant and animal adaptations, identifying wildlife, testing water quality, and investigating how we can work with nature to keep our waterways safe, clean, and enjoyable.
Flood Fighters: Engineering Solutions for the San Antonio River
Maximum number of students per day: 75 students
Grade levels: 9th-12th grade
This 3-hour field trip is designed for STEM-focused groups and classes in which students will rotate through several hands-on activities. These include a teambuilding scenario game aimed at evaluating the factors responsible for flooding in the San Antonio River Watershed as well as using a 3D model to assess the effectiveness of both traditional flood prevention infrastructure and newer ecological engineering methods. Students will also tour Confluence Park, an exemplar in the use of nature-based solutions to prevent flooding and stormwater pollution. Prepare for an adventure in learning that brings the science of flooding to life!
Keep in Touch
Field Trip Request Form
If your organization has already received a presentation from the River Authority, please take a few minutes to complete our feedback survey, below, to help us improve future presentations.