Specified reaches of the Upper San Antonio (segment 1911) and Salado Creek (segment 1910) have been identified on the TCEQ 303 (d) list as not meeting state stream standards due to elevated levels of coliform bacteria. The TCEQ Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) effort has determined the bacterial load reductions that will be required in order to meet compliance with state surface water quality standards. The Environmental Protection Agency requires that an Implementation Plan (IP) be developed to address the water quality impairments identified in the TMDL. The TCEQ has partnered with the San Antonio River Authority to develop an IP for the Upper San Antonio River and Salado Creek watersheds. The IP will identify best management practices to abate or control nonpoint sources of bacteria and develop a timeline for implementation. The IP development project will include information, input and planning from the Bexar Regional Watershed Management (BRWM) program partners, area stakeholders and the public. This project will produce a document that will serve as a guide towards abatement control of nonpoint source pollution of coliform bacteria in the Upper San Antonio River and Salado Creek watersheds. Data, plans, information, and input from the BRWM partners, stakeholders and the public will form the basis for the IP. The IP will compliment the TCEQ TMDL effort by establishing the framework needed for implementation through public outreach, awareness, and input efforts, as well as collaboration with partners and stakeholders. The project will set short and long term goals for pollutant reduction in the watershed.
Trail Closure Alert – Roosevelt Park Area
The trail on the east bank of the river, from Lonestar Boulevard to Eagleland Drive, will be closed starting today, January 22, and will reopen on Thursday, January 23, after 5 PM.
This closure is part of our ongoing STEM work. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to enhance our trails!