The Nueva Street Marina Dam is a temporary dam for the Nueva Street Marina when Flood Control Gate 5 must be lowered during or in preparation of a flooding event on the San Antonio River Walk. The existing gate was installed in the mid-1980s with an expected serviceable life of 30 years. Given the expiration of useful life and after review of several options, an air-filled inflatable dam replacement was selected. The completed design included removal of the current Fabridam, site preparation, control room housing mechanical and electrical equipment, and inlet/outlet piping to an air-filled dam replacement in place of a water-filled dam.
Goliad Paddling Trail Alert
NOTICE: HWY 59 Landing Site Closed
Due to TxDOT construction on the HWY 59 Bridge, the HWY 59 landing site is closed until further notice. However, the Goliad Paddling Trail remains open, and paddlers can still access the river at the Riverdale, Ferry Street, and Goliad State Park landings.
Please plan accordingly and check back for updates.