My River POV: Kerry Averyt

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Cormorant on the San Antonio River

Last Updated on January 30, 2024

The “My River POV” series provides readers the opportunity to learn about the unique insight and experiences of the San Antonio River Authority (River Authority) staff and their personal connection to the San Antonio River in hopes of inspiring stewardship of our creeks and rivers.

Kerry Averyt, P.E. Engineering Design and Construction Manager

I have been infatuated with water all my life.  Many of my earliest and fondest memories are of times spent playing or doing various activities in or near water. From swimming, water skiing, to simply spending a lazy day on the lakeshore, I loved water.  That affinity led me to a career that has been more enriching and fulfilling than I could ever have imagined as a child!

Museum Reach Walk

 Museum Reach of the San Antonio River Walk

The first time I traveled to San Antonio and visited the River Walk, I was instantly enchanted.  The lights, music, atmosphere, and the very culture was mesmerizing to me.  Less than one year after that first visit, I was living in San Antonio. Now, nearly 30 years after that first visit, I still feel that same enchantment every time I visit the River Walk!  Over the years, I have learned more about the San Antonio River and its importance to this community, and my love of water has grown to include what the river represents.

Stormwater runoff

Stormwater runoff is one of the biggest threats to the San Antonio River Basin

Around the same time my family and I moved to San Antonio, I also began learning more about the growing threats to our fresh water supply and began working towards a career in water resources engineering.  I wanted to help make a difference so my then seven-year-old daughter could have access to safe, clean, enjoyable water for the rest of her life and swim in lakes and rivers just as I did when I was a child.  My early engineering experience was in the utilities sector and I developed a passion for wastewater treatment.  The ability to take wastewater and clean it to a quality that can be safely released into a receiving stream is, in my opinion, one of the greatest contributors to the advancement of mankind.  This would not be made possible without people who have passion to realize a shared vision and work together to achieve a goal to improve life for every living organism.

Throughout my engineering career, I frequently heard stories about the River Authority and their great accomplishments.  In 2015, I pursued an opportunity to join the River Authority team and was blessed to receive an offer, which I quickly accepted.  It was one of the best decisions of my life, and without question, the best decision of my professional career. 

River Authority staff giving a construction tour of San Pedro Creek Culture Park

Giving a construction tour of San Pedro Creek Culture Park

I am humbled to now be working alongside some of the leading experts in their respective fields.  It fills me with pride to be a small part of a team of people who share the same passion for protecting our water resources like I do. People who love the San Antonio River and who, through a shared vision, have grown the River Authority to be recognized as a global leader in water quality science.  It is through these efforts that we ensure a bright future for the next generation of water enthusiasts like me.

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Bridge Installation

Due to bridge installation occurring along the river, there will be a temporary pause in pedestrian traffic. Once the bridge is set down and the rigging removed, the trail will once again be opened. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Acequia Trail Notice

The Acequia trail will have heavy traffic near MROC starting May 22nd until further notice. The SAWS Acequia project will be bringing in crews to work on the lift station site and across the street. There will have flaggers to stop traffic, please use caution. 

SASPAMCO Paddling Trail

The SASPAMCO paddling trail is open from River Crossing Park to Helton Nature Park.
*Please Note: Paddling Trail from Helton Nature Park to HWY 97 is still closed due to blockages. 

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