
Celebración de la gran inauguración de Escondido Creek Parkway

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Escondido Creek Parkway overview of pavilion and playground.

Como parte de nuestro compromiso con seguro, limpio, agradable creeks and rivers, the San Antonio River Authority (River Authority) operates and maintains nature parques y senderos durante el Cuenca del río San Antonio. The Autopista Escondido Creek in Karnes County will expand the River Authority’s nature-based parks in its four-county jurisdiction and will offer opportunities for community members from throughout the basin to enjoy Escondido Creek in addition to the other parks in Bexar, Wilson, and Goliad counties.

Learn more about this new addition to the River Authority’s park system and the details of the festivities leading up to the park’s grand opening!

***In accordance to CDC guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic, mask wearing and social distancing are strongly encouraged while on parks and trails.***

What amenities does the Escondido Creek Parkway provide?

The Escondido Creek Parkway Project will allow the community new opportunities to sit, stroll, run, play, and enjoy the outdoors along a waterway full of benefits.

The project will include multiple infraestructura verde practices like a low impact development bio-retention feature and two cisterns or rain barrels. Visitors can enjoy a plethora of amenities including a 20-feature splash pad, a pavilion with picnic tables, playgrounds, skate park, and a horned toad habitat with interpretive signage. The River Authority will also provide educación and park programming opportunities for community engagement.

Grand Opening Celebration

Escondido Creek Parkway playground

The community is invited to take part in the park’s grand opening celebration October 15-17! See below for the calendar of events and visit our página de eventos and social media channels by following @sanantonioriver for more information.

Thursday, October 15

6 p.m. Facebook Virtual Grand Opening Ceremony, including ribbon cutting and release of sneak peek park video

Friday, October 16

9 a.m. – 3 p.m. – Park tours

5 p.m. Facebook release of ECP community support video

Saturday, October 17

9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

5 p.m. Facebook premiere of virtual park tour

Sunday, October 18

Park opens for daily dawn to dusk use


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