
Autopista Escondido Creek

Autopista Escondido Creek

With its lush vegetation, effortless accessibility and modern recreation amenities, Escondido Creek Parkway is the new favorite outdoor hub in the City of Kenedy, a gathering place for the community to relish their time in nature and with each other. This inviting linear park transforms the way people connect with their community and the environment by providing unparalleled opportunities to safely recreate in a native landscape. In the shifting shade of willows, by a lively chorus of birdsong, along a rippling blue reservoir, people and nature come together at Escondido Creek Parkway.

Escondido Creek es una modesta vía fluvial efímera que recorre el ciudad de kenedy en el condado de Karnes, Texas. Como afluente importante en la cuenca sur del río San Antonio Cuenca, la Autoridad del Río San Antonio ha compartido una larga historia, desde la década de 1950, con los líderes locales y la ciudadanía para construir, operar y mantener trece represas dentro de la cuenca del arroyo.

The Escondido Creek Parkway Project is a realized vision to create an attractive linear park with features that allow the community new opportunities to sit, stroll, run, play and enjoy the outdoors along a waterway full of benefits. In part, it functions as a safe thoroughfare, connecting Joe Gully Park and sports fields to homes and schools by providing trails under Highway 181. Recreational amenities in the linear park include an over one-mile long trail which is 10 feet wide to allow multi-purpose use—such as hiking and biking surrounded by beautiful Texan native landscaping. Some additional amenities include: a playground, splash pad, skate park, a pavilion, restrooms, an amphitheater, picnic tables, benches and much more. These enhancements promote a healthy lifestyle and enjoyment of the outdoors for generations to come.

If you have questions or would like to learn more about the Escondido Creek Parkway, visit o Contáctenos.

Detalles del proyecto:


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