
Aviso a los medios: El primer día de voluntariado en el parque natural New Trueheart Ranch celebra la subvención nacional de resiliencia $50,000 con la plantación de más de 800 plantas y pastos nativos el jueves 2 de noviembre

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Última actualización el 4 de enero de 2024

QUÉ: The San Antonio River Authority recently received a $50,000 grant from the national Bobcat Park Improvement Grant Program, in partnership with the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), to develop new trails and plant native species at the River Authority’s newly opened Trueheart Ranch Nature Park–located on San Antonio’s Southeast side.

The River Authority was one of only five total park and recreation agencies in the country to receive the grant because of their ongoing commitment to community and environmental resilience, with a focus on park improvement and restoration efforts. Additional grantees were located throughout Georgia, North Carolina, Washington, and New York.

Additional Park enhancements made possible by the grant include the creation of pollinator habitats and the installation of green stormwater infrastructure to ensure sustainability within the park ecosystem.

CUANDO: Thursday, November 2, 9 a.m. to 12 noon

DÓNDE: Parque natural Trueheart Ranch

14984 Ala Azul Rd

San Antonio, Texas 78221


  • Several of volunteers from Bobcat, NRPA, and the River Warriors planting native plant and grass species throughout the park
  • Heavy equipment on-site to assist with the planting efforts
  • Bobcat, NRPA, and River Authority leadership available for interview

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